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What Else Do We Really Need?What Else Do We Really Need?

Well the Holiday season has kicked off. Shoppers were out at the stores right after  Thanksgiving dinner was served. Tree lots were filled on black Friday. Ladders and extension cords were useful over the weekend to put the outdoor lights up. I don't know about you but does'nt it seem like the…

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Moss it Up!Moss it Up!

Several months ago I ordered an initial to hang in my family room.  I ordered the "J" in unfinished wood and painted it black and there it hung . I'm not sure what it was but I was not really loving it painted. It looked a little plain. So,  I was recently working with some moss and thought about ho…

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All week I have been reflecting on my life and the many wonderful blessings that fill it. I chuckle as I think about how different the things I am thankful for today would not have been the things I was thankful for before I had my kids. As my childern move fast and furious through toddler years, I …

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Have you thought about the Thanksgiving Table Yet?Have you thought about the Thanksgiving Table Yet?

Each year we tend to eat the traditional thanksgiving feast of pumpkin pie, sweet potato, green bean caserole, MORE pie, glazed carrots and of course the turkey. I love the day to count my many blessings and to receive the love of family and friends and to be able to  get the "eat all you want pass"…

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Furniture Chalk Paint RevealFurniture Chalk Paint Reveal

A few weeks ago I decided to buy some Anne Sloan Chalk paint after hearing so many wonderful things about the paint from the application to the finish. The first project I wanted to work on was an old wood table that we had. I always wanted to refinish the table because I thought it was too dark, bu…

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I had to laugh at this one....I had to laugh at this one....

Let me start off by saying that my husband has freely given up his voting rights on anything that has to do with the inside decor of our home. This is the way it has been since we have been married and will always be the way it is. When I do feel the need to get a sense of how he feels about changes…

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I never Promised you a .......I never Promised you a .......

Okay, I never promised that following me on my blog wouldn't cost you any money, but  I do promise to send along any fantastic web sites that just might make you as excited as I was to find the site! The site is called WUSLU and they offer French,Vintage and Country style decor for your home. The wa…

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This month I am thankful for....BURLAPThis month I am thankful for....BURLAP

Burlap has become my go to material for anything decorating these days. It is relatively easy to work with , inexpensive and looks fantastic regardless of the project. A few weeks ago I was on point to decorate Jake and Lily's preschool fall festival . Naturally I turned to my burlap for help. I cam…

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