4th of July on the Front Porch4th of July on the Front Porch

FYI- forgive my use of Southernisms. I tried to make corrections where I could.  There are two things every Southerner wants- A big pitcher  of sweet tea and a big ole front poach porch.A poach porch to shoot the breeze on , eat our supper on and take naps on. You see, that's just what us Southerner…

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Happy Friday (Haven Recap)!Happy Friday (Haven Recap)!

Unfortunately you won't see an album of photos that I took from the Haven Conference on my blog. Nope not any. The excitement and anxiety of attending the event got the best of me and I left the my camera at home. I have  the after party shot- the slew of amazing memories and the knowledge that I to…

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Guest Cottage Tour (on Dog House Lane)Guest Cottage Tour (on Dog House Lane)

Welcome to our Guest Cottage on Dog House Lane. Go down the dirt road 1/2 a mile, pass the old school house,take a left at the sign, and you're there Our guest cottage, is a place that was built for family and friends to come and stay a while, to relax and enjoy beautiful country livingThe cottage i…

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The Best Banana Pudding Cheesecake (Ever)!The Best Banana Pudding Cheesecake (Ever)!

Banana Pudding Cheesecake?   Really? That sounds kinda....Well alright, I'll have a pieceOh My- That's Delish.Can I have another! Click here for the Southern Living recipe for Best Banana Pudding Cheesecake you will ever have. Have a great week!PS- In case you need a Springform Pan to make your Bana…

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The Easiest Summer Burlap WreathThe Easiest Summer Burlap Wreath

Remember when my Rock Star Burlap Wreath went on a Springtime Tour?You know, the Rock Star Wreath that may have more twitter followers then Lady GagaMaybe more facebook friends then Mark Zuckerbergand I am thinking more stage props and dancers then Celine Dion in her Las Vegas shows?Well, my rock st…

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Ready 4 Summer - Home DecorReady 4 Summer - Home Decor

Just because I am not hitting the shore this summer, doesn't mean that I can't be reminded of my families favorite pastime in our home.And just imagine, if the family changed our minds,  I would have my  directional sign that I made out of salvaged wood, stenciled letters and leftover Grey paint, t…

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