Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

The Bunnies Are At The Door and A Giveway!

Hop on over
and when you get to my door you will see 
not one
 but two
mossy green little bunnies
that have found themselves a home in my burlap wreaths.
I made the burlap wreaths here, and the little bunnies, birds nest and flowers in the wreaths are from Pier One. 
 Before your get to my door  though
you will probably see my dog "Bear" who is protecting the bunnies
and my beautiful tulips, that I have waited for since I planted them last fall

And now for my giveaway
One of these wreaths could be going on YOUR door! 
Because of the overwhelming interest in the Burlap wreath, I would love to give away one of these wreaths to you.
There are three ways to enter this Giveaway
1) become a follower on Top This Top That blog and comment below that you already are or you became a new follower
2) become a fan on my facebook page and comment below letting me know you are or you became a new fan
3) follow me by email and comment below letting me know you are
Of course you could do all three options to increase your chances of winning ( an entry for each)!
Contest ends on Tuesday, March 27th at noon est, and the winner will be announced on Wednesday, March 28th. 
This giveaway is open to the contiguous US only.

Are these bunnies coming to your door?
PS- Bear doesn't bite

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