Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012

How To Add Color To A Hot Summer Garden

Man Oh Man is it Hot! Driving back from Dallas last weekend I actually saw a few crayons on the ground at a gas station that had melted. That's hot! 
Living in Georgia I have become more familiar with the term HOTLANTA especially these last few weeks. Although my garden has not lacked water ( luckily I am on a well and not faced with water restrictions) it does lack color. It usually does this time of the year with the heat.
 I wanted to share a fun and quick way to add a pop of color to your hot, hopefully still green and really sorry if it's now a brown garden.
I took my metal bicycle planter that usually gets around the garden and yard quite a bit, and sprayed it a fun Spa Blue color.
I added a basket with a bunch of Brown Eyed Susan's, which is the only burst of color that I have around right now that grows extremely well in dry, hot conditions 
I put the flowers in a container filled with water inside the basket and can have color from the bunch for a couple of days. When they die down I go here and pick more. This plant actually likes to be cut so more flowers will pop up.
Attached to the back is a picnic basket that most likely won't be utilized until the temps cool down a bit, but looked cute on the back of the bike.
So there's my solution for a pop of color. 
What things do you do to add color to your garden this time of the year?

PS- Did you know you can follow me on Hometalk now? It's a great online forum where I and other DIY'ers post great tips and suggestions on anything home and garden related. Click the button below or in my sidebar to start following me today!

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