Senin, 10 September 2012

My John Deere Inspired Mailbox

Oh no. I think I owe you an apology. I am so sorry if I had you running around all weekend looking for my mailbox that I showed you here
Sorry if I mislead you into thinking you could buy it at some tractor supply place somewhere on a dirt road in the country or on eBay, because you can't. Not this one anyways. Nope, this is a one of a kind Flea Market Treasure, and it did'nt always look this good.
See when we got it, it lacked a lot style and color.  Heck, even my mailman would drive right by and throw us our junk mail!
But that all changed one day with a little bit of spray paint and some aluminium foil.
Add a little bit of outdoor yellow vinyl for the stripes, a little red on the flag and the tractor  mailbox is good to go. 
My mailman has even stopped delivering the junk mail. Now if I could only get him to stop delivering the bills!
Sharing at :
Between Naps on the Porch
Southern Hospitalityty
Cozy Little House
Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Savvy Southern Style
At The Picket Fence
Tatetertots and Jello
Fox Hollow Cottage
Beneath My Heart

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