Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

Just a Few Black Spiders and Some Bats

Yes, that about sums up the extent of my Halloween decorating in this house.
And that's courtesy really of my little one who asked me the other day " Mommy where's the Pumpkin Decorations".
And it wasn't just once, it was several times over several days ( you know how that goes). So I ran out and picked up a few things that would get them excited and would help me qualify to earn my Halloween decorating badge.
I have never been a big Halloween person, which is probably a good thing cause I would raid my kids buckets of all the chocolate. Not living in a subdivision helps to support not making it such a huge deal around here.
We attended a "Trunk or Treat" over the weekend and are hitting a friends Halloween party on Wednesday, then I will come home and pack up the spiders till next year, that's if the Bat's don't eat them by then!
One thing is for sure, my little Pumpkins sure are cute!
Enjoy the day and night and be safe!

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