Senin, 26 November 2012

My Favorite Room

In case you missed my favorite room of the house over at Kim's  Favorite Room Series a few weeks ago, I wanted to share my Keeping Room, aka "Mom's Zone".
Keeping Rooms are generally located right off the kitchen and back in the day it was used to gather the family and keep them warm, as it was close to the main heating sources of the home. But for me it's a place to look out the window and enjoy nature from the indoors. The room is actually the reflection you see in our backyard pond.
A place to read the Sunday paper and drink my tea.
A place to meditate, look out the window and be thankful for what I have and for a room that is mine! 
A place when girlfriends visit we can sit and chat. 
In fact, it's also a popular staging area for a lot of the projects you see here at Top This Top That.
Curtain details are here.
 Occasionally when the mood is right I will invite my hubby in so we can sit back and appreciate all of the hard work that went in in constructing this room and the details that make it special to us me.
Like the wood beams on the ceiling that came from Cypress Trees on our property.  
Or the transformations and journey that it took to get to this point. This is how the room looked when I decorated it when we moved in 10 years ago. My husband swore that the valance looked like a circus tent! I happen to like it, it's the red tent roof that perhaps was over the top!
And when my color senses settled down a few years ago and the room was a bit more serene and calm.
And the room as it is today. A room that is more of a reflection of me, who I am and what I want others to see.
Simple, clean and quite, unfortunately that's  generally less then 1% of the time when the kids aren't around.
See my table transformation here.
 A room that was meant just for me but I do have an extra chair in case you want to come over!
What's your favorite room in your house?

 If you want to see where the rest of the family hangs out in my house, you will want to visit my Home Tour .
Hope the week is off to a great start. 
Grateful for:
A safe trip back" Home" from spending the holiday with my family in S.Florida.

Sharing at:
Between Naps on the Porch
At the Picket Fence
French Country Cottage

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