Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

The Latest Craze The 'Cough In Elbow' Dance

Just as the Gangnam Dance has gone viral, so has the 'Cough in Elbow' dance. Have you heard of it?  It's the next You Tube Sensation.  Right now grown men, women, and children of all ages are experiencing this centuries old dance craze. The 'Cough in Elbow' can be seen across the country night or day when a cough or sneeze is present.
It's also the latest craze around here at my house, particularly during flu season. Getting our dance on, helps us to prevent the spreading of those unwanted germs during flu season, and with 3 little ones, we dance and disinfect a lot. 
Since technique is everything in fighting germs, I have asked my main  'cough in elbow' dancer (and her puppy) to demonstrate the proper moves for you so you can help prevent the spread of germs by touch by these simple dance steps.
Step 1- Pick an arm, any arm and fully extend it in front of you, while holding on to your favorite puppy.
Step 2- Take that arm and bend it at the elbow in front of your body with your favorite puppy looking on.
Step 3- When you feel a cough or sneeze being initiated take that elbow and raise it to you mouth, quickly.  That's important. This will help to eliminate the need to touch your mouth and possibly spreading the germs from the cough or sneeze on to your hands or on to the puppy.
Some other quick tips from puppy to help prevent cold and flu preventation in your household~
Wash Your Hands Frequently throughout the day: Wash hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds. I also use Clorox Cleaner with bleach around the sink basins to get any of the unwanted germs that were left behind. 
Disinfect Germ Hot Spots: Disinfect the surfaces you touch frequently – like the remote control, doorknobs, light switches, faucets and plastic toys with Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes to kill flu viruses.  I also keep a few of the wipes in a plastic bag in the car and use on the handle of shopping carts at the stores.   Shoppers have germs too!                 
Follow Good Health Guidelines: You have heard it before and will hear it again, but you need to eat right, exercise and get plenty of sleep to help boost your body’s ability to fight the effects of colds and flu.                          
You can visit Clorox.com to learn more about the importance of disinfecting and other tips for keeping you and your family happy and healthy. *Use as directed

Good luck and keep on dancing and disinfecting!
Grateful for~
No flu in my household this year thanks to my Clorox products!

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